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Arkansas Insurance Blog

Types of problems that can be covered by commercial insurance

Businesses encounter problems that can result in financial losses due to liability and lawsuits. However, commercial insurance in Northwest Arkansas is the best way to cover these kinds of problems. Here is an overview of situations where commercial insurance is crucial to a business’s financial stability. 

Liability from lawsuits

Companies can be sued by workers or customers for a number of reasons. Those injured on their property while working or shopping can file injury lawsuits. Defective products can also cause injuries that result in significant medical expenses. A commercial insurance policy in Northwest Arkansas can cover some or all of these losses. 

Damage and losses

Businesses can have expensive inventory, buildings where business is conducted, and other items that can be damaged, such as machinery and equipment. A commercial insurance policy from Adams Insurance & Financial will help the business pay for repairs or replacements related to damage to inventory and equipment.  

Commercial vehicles

Many businesses have employees who need to drive for commercial purposes. These vehicles require commercial insurance coverage, which is not covered by the driver’s standard auto insurance. If an accident involving a commercial vehicle happens, this can be a very large expense. Commercial insurance will help pay for things like vehicle repairs, medical bills, and any claims from outside parties who are injured. 

Contact us to learn more.

Our agents who represent Adams Insurance & Financial are available to answer additional questions about commercial insurance. They can also explore coverage options and set up policies for customers in the Northwest Arkansas area.

Financial Insurance for A New Business Owner

Financial insurance provides peace to business owners by shielding them from unexpected losses. Discover how this insurance type can be advantageous if you are a burgeoning business owner.

Understanding Financial Insurance

Financial insurance serves as a safety net for business owners against unforeseen damage. This coverage prevents a business from being hampered by potentially crippling losses. The extent of coverage ideally offered by financial insurance should correlate with the scale of the business and the recurring revenue.

Coverage Against Contractual Loss

Financial insurance coverage can prove vital in preventing an owner from bearing contractual losses. In the event of a contractual agreement with a partner, this coverage ensures that all contractual expenses are met, even if the partner fails to adhere to the contract’s outlined obligations.

Shielding Stock Values

A financial insurance policy can act as a buffer to protect stock values. If the worth of stocks plummets significantly, the insurance coverage can avert a potential financial loss for the business owner.

Bankruptcy Protection

Under certain conditions, financial insurance coverage can offer protection in the event of bankruptcy. This provision allows business owners to continue their operations without any interruption due to bankruptcy.

Assessment of Needs

As a new business owner, evaluating your business plan and examining your annual revenue is crucial. This assessment will aid in determining the relevance and aptness of financial insurance for your business.

Contact Adams Insurance & Financial

Having reviewed this concise information on financial insurance, it’s time to take the next vital step. Contact one of our representatives at Adams Insurance & Financial. A representative who serves Northwest Arkansas will help you determine the right insurance policy tailored to your new business.

Why Does My Business Need Commercial Insurance Beyond General Liability

Some entrepreneurs believe that their business does not need insurance beyond general liability. The fact is, that many mishaps can occur during the course of normal business operations. If you have not considered liability before this. Look at these factors to change your mind. Adams Insurance & Financial can guide many businesses serving Northwest Arkansas on the policies that will meet their needs.

Consider Start-up Insurance

If you are unsure of what you may need, start-up commercial insurance may fit your needs. This type of business insurance can provide you with a roundup of general insurance needs to cover the cost of common types of risks that most businesses face. However, as your business progresses, you may need more. Consider the following types of coverage as your business expands.

All businesses should have a general liability policy in place. Beyond that, you should also consider the following, depending on your operations:

  • Errors and omissions 
  • Cybersecurity insurance
  • Employment practices liability

Additional issues can affect business owners. These can include protection from data theft,  national disasters, such as those occurring from storms,  theft, damage from storms, business interruptions due to circumstances beyond your control, employment practices, and many other issues that entrepreneurs should consider.

Business disruption is another consideration. Policies can protect your operations from loss of income beyond your control when your company cannot operate due to circumstances beyond your control, such as riots and other things that may occur.

Ask the professionals at Adams Insurance & Financial to provide you with the most comprehensive service regarding insurance issues Our agents stand ready to give you the most extensive services regarding insurance and related issues available in Northwest Arkansas. Contact us today to get started on our insurance coverage.

Unraveling the Mystery of Commercial Insurance for Business Owners

If you’re a Northwest Arkansas small business owner, you already know that running a business is no small feat. But how do you protect your business in the event of unexpected financial loss? 

Savvy business owners have learned that investing in commercial business insurance is one of the smartest business decisions they will ever make. Commercial insurance financially protects Arkansas-based businesses from financial peril that can include any or all of the following. 

How Commercial Insurance Can Protect Your Business

Property Damage 

Commercial business insurance can help ease some of the financial burdens. If your business loses time or money because of property damage. Property damage can cost businesses millions of dollars in revenue.

Having the right commercial insurance policy from Adams Insurance & Financial can prevent business owners from having to cover the costs of property damage as an out-of-pocket expense. 

Workers Compensation Claims

Businesses with employees can benefit from having commercial insurance policies that can protect the business against workers’ compensation claims.

If a worker or employee is injured on the job or on the premises, they can file a workers’ compensation claim to reimburse certain related costs. Commercial insurance protects Northwest  Arkansas business owners from absorbing these costs. 

Liability Insurance Claims

Many businesses have been forced out of business when faced with liability insurance claims from vendors, customers, partners, and other business associates.

Liability claims can come in the form of lawsuits or other claims that can cost businesses tons of money if they find themselves on the losing end of a liability claim. 

Protect Your Business from Liability Claims

Contact the commercial insurance experts at Adams Insurance & Financial in Northwest Arkansas when you’re ready to protect your business from liability claims, workers’ compensation claims! 

What will come with a commercial insurance plan in NW Arkansas?

If you have a dream of being a small business owner, finding the right location to open the organization is very important. When you are looking for a place to open, Northwest Arkansas can be a good idea as the area has a strong population base and supports local organizations. When you are going to start a business here, getting commercial insurance is a good idea.

This coverage is needed for various reasons as it comes with different types of support:

Coverage for Assets

One type of insurance that you will get with this insurance is coverage for your assets. If you are going to start a business, there are many types of assets that will need to be acquired. This could include inventory, commercial equipment, and various other items. If you are properly covered with a commercial plan, it will provide the support you need to replace or repair these assets. 

Liability Risk Mitigation

It can also be a good idea to get a commercial insurance plan to reduce various liability  risks. Owners who are going to run a business will consistently have different liability concerns. The best way that you can offset this concern is by getting commercial coverage as it will include a variety of liability coverage options to protect you and your organization. 

Reach Out To Us

If you choose to open a business in the Northwest Arkansas area, it would be a good idea to get proper commercial insurance. As you are looking for a new insurance plan in this area, it would be a good idea to call our team at Adams Insurance & Financial. Our professionals with Adams Insurance & Financial understand the value of this insurance and will offer the help you need to get into a quality insurance plan. 

Why Entrepreneurs Buy Commercial Insurance in Northwest Arkansas

Business entities at their initial stages may come with challenges and risks. For any business operator to remain in entrepreneurial undertakings, they should formulate a framework to minimize these impeding risks. Without commercial insurance in Northwest Arkansas, it may subject you to a stressful payment of legal fees in cash, relegating you to bankruptcy or culminating in detrimental financial consequences.

Don’t allow risks to dim your dream of initiating a successful business! Consult with our agents at Adams Insurance & Financial and get more information about commercial insurance. 

Is commercial insurance an asset to entrepreneurs?

Purchasing commercial insurance from Adams Insurance & Financial provides a broad spectrum of benefits to various entrepreneurs, including:

Covering of advertising liability

Any infringement of the copyright of any individual entity is equivalent to dire consequences from relevant authorities in Northwest Arkansas. If your business entity infringes on any copyright rule of other existing businesses or parties, liability insurance kicks in and caters to any legal liability against such accusations.

Protecting your employees

Statistics have shown that many workers suffer injuries while working in various businesses but go unreported and are compensated. Worker’s comp insurance is mandatory in Arkansas business entities employing seasonal or permanent workers. Companies are responsible for work-related injuries or sickness for employees working on their premises. They also qualify for missed wages and funeral benefits.

Protection from lawsuits

Lawsuits are recipes for bankruptcy for many business ventures. Any business is susceptible to impending expensive lawsuits. Workers’ comp insurance chips in and settles the lawsuit fees.

It protects business assets

Any business venture owns valuable assets within its premises. These assets ensure continuous productivity for the business enterprise at hand. Commercial insurance can cushion these business assets from any damages or risks.

Give Us A Call

Initiate a thriving business without worries of an impending peril in Northwest Arkansas! Please don’t hesitate to speak to our dedicated agents at Adams Insurance & Financial Sound and get more information about commercial insurance.

What commercial insurance is required in Arkansas?

When you own a business, you realize very quickly that you are surrounded by risks. Any one of these risks can be the demise of your business if you don’t have the financial ability to survive it. That is where commercial insurance comes in; it provides the protection you need against the risks that surround you. At Adams Insurance & Financial in Northwest Arkansas, we give our clients the tools they need to decide what type of commercial insurance they need to carry. We offer them a variety of carriers to choose from, which helps keep costs reasonable. 

Arkansas’ law requires that businesses carry two types of commercial insurance: workers’ compensation and commercial auto insurance. Any business that has three or more employees must protect them with workers’ compensation coverage which pays medical expenses and lost time for employees injured on the job. If your business owners any vehicles, they need to have the required amount of commercial auto insurance, which is 25/50/25 ($25,000 for one person in a vehicle accident, $50,000 for a total accident, and $25,000 for property damage). 

When you own a business, there are other types of commercial insurance that are a good idea to have to protect yourself. Almost every business can benefit from commercial property and liability coverage. Commercial property insurance protects not just a building but also all the things you need to do business. It covers machinery, tools, inventory, electronics, and office equipment, just to name a few things. Commercial liability protects your business from legal suits against you. It pays for a judgment if you are sued, and also for the legal fees associated with it. It is one of the most necessary types of commercial insurance. 

Contact Adams Insurance & Financial in Northwest Arkansas to get the insurance products and advice you need to protect your business. 

The Basics of Commercial Insurance

Owning your own business can be a wonderful way to make a living, particularly in Northwest Arkansas, an area home to some of the largest cities in the state. One aspect of owning a business is ensuring that your insurance policies provide adequate protection, and that is why it makes sense to speak to Adams Insurance & Financial about your options.

Commercial or business insurance is there to protect you from financial loss due to the unexpected. Most commercial insurances fall into one of two main categories. These are property insurance and liability insurance.

Liability insurance provides cover against legal liability. Depending on the type of business you own, there are the following options:

  • General liability insurance – suitable for any business.

  • Product liability insurance – suitable for businesses that wholesale or retail products, including manufacturing.

  • Professional liability insurance – this is for businesses that provide services.

  • Workers compensation – mandatory insurance for many Arkansas businesses with three or more employees falling under the liability category.

Property insurance is for insuring your property, including but not limited to buildings, inventory, and equipment. There are two main options.

  • Commercial property insurance – this is for large businesses with substantial physical assets.

  • Home-based business insurance – this is for businesses that run from home. Standard personal home insurance will not be sufficient.

Finally, there is an option called a business owner’s policy (BOP) and this combines several standard types of commercial insurance into one package, greatly benefitting small businesses.

The most basic tenet of any insurance is to purchase cover for what you cannot afford to pay for yourself. Protect yourself and your business and speak to Adams Insurance & Financial serving Northwest Arkansas about structuring your commercial insurance the right way for your business.

Common commercial insurance terms explained

When you are new to business or commercial insurance, you may have lots of questions. You may find some included terms confusing. Insurance companies use terms that may not be part of everyday language. Most people will need clarification of at least some insurance terms. At Adams Insurance & Financial in Northwest Arkansas, we are here to help our customers any way we can, whether answering questions or explaining terms. 

  • Actual cash value- This is the amount your property is actually worth today. A 10-year-old machine you use in your business is not worth the same amount when purchased. When you choose this type of coverage, depreciation is taken into account when you try to collect. 
  • Business interruption insurance- If your business suffers a covered peril, this insurance can provide the money your company needs to meet normal expenses while you cannot do business. 
  • Business owners’ policy (BOP)- A Business Owners’ Policy combines two of the most common commercial insurance coverage types, property and liability coverage. Usually, this combination will be less expensive than the two policies separately. 
  • Commercial Lines- These are insurance products that provide business coverage in the form of commercial auto, general and professional liability, workers compensation, and other coverage to protect your business.  
  • Replacement cost- Replacement cost is exactly what it sounds like. If something you need to do business with is damaged beyond repair, it will be replaced at the cost of replacement today, not the cost when it was purchased. 
  • Rider- This may also be referred to as an endorsement. It is an amendment or an alteration to your policy that provides additional or something not covered on the original policy. 
  • Workers Compensation Insurance– This is a commercial line of insurance that protects workers when they are injured while doing their job. 

Contact Adams Insurance & Financial in Northwest Arkansas for all your commercial insurance needs. 

Commercial Insurance Requirements in Arkansas

In 2018, Arkansas was home to more than 247,000 small businesses employing more than 400,000 people. Since 2018, those figures are estimated to have grown, with small businesses being a crucial part of Arkansas’ economy. Consequently, if you are a small business owner in Arkansas, you must have enough insurance to cover not only your business and assets but also your assets like company vehicles and property. 

When deciding between coverage options, it is essential always to have enough liability coverage to protect the entirety of your assets. Liability coverage helps pay for damage to a third party person or property. Additional examples of coverage offered under liability include advertising errors if accused of copyright infringement, reputational damage to help pay for defense against claims of slander or libel, and medical payments if someone is injured while at your place of work. 

Outside of several exceptions, the vast majority of small businesses in Arkansas are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance if they have three or more employees. Workers’ compensation insurance helps pay for medical bills and lost wages due to workplace injuries and illnesses. Additionally, any vehicle owned by the business must be covered under commercial auto insurance. 

When it comes to shopping for commercial insurance in Northwest Arkansas, look no further than Adams Insurance & Financial. Our friendly and knowledgeable team of insurance professionals know the industry like the back of their hands and are ready to customize a policy that perfectly fits your company’s needs. Give us a call today to schedule a no-obligation consultation to learn about how we can help protect your livelihood.

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  • All-State
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  • Foremost
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  • State Auto
  • The Hartford